Technical Manual of the Ceylan-Myriad Layer


Copyright (C) 2008-2021 Olivier Boudeville


about (dash) myriad (at) esperide (dot) com

Creation date:

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lastly updated:

Saturday, February 20, 2021






Users and maintainers of the Myriad layer.


The role of the Myriad layer (part of the Ceylan project) is to gather all Erlang general-purpose base constructs that we found useful for (Erlang-based) developments.

We present here a short overview of these services, to introduce them to newcomers. The next level of information is to read the corresponding source files, which are intensely commented and generally straightforward.

The latest version of this documentation is to be found at the official Ceylan-Myriad website (

This Myriad documentation is also available in the PDF format (see Ceylan-Myriad-technical-manual-english.pdf), and mirrored here.

Table of Contents

Overview & Context

When using any programming language, there are always recurring patterns that prove useful.

Instead of writing them again and again, we preferred gathering them all in a low-level layer (mostly a modest code library), in their most convenient, reliable, efficient version, together with their specification, documentation and testing.

This layer provides its (generally lightweight, simple) services just on top of the Erlang [1] language, as a relatively small (comprising currently about 70k lines), thin layer.

[1]If needing to discover/learn Erlang, we recommend browsing Learn You Some Erlang for great good! or, even better, buying their book!

These services tend to stay away from introducing any new dependency. Should a key, generic service need a third-party prerequisite (ex: library to manage a complex data format, or to process specific data), that dependency should be made fully optional [2] (then, should that dependency be found not available at build or run time, the corresponding service would be transparently disabled).

[2]One may refer for example to what we did respectively for HDF5 and for JSON parsers in the context of REST support, with the USE_HDF5 and USE_REST Make variables.

As a consequence, for the Ceylan project, the first level of the Erlang-based software stack that we use relies on this Myriad layer - whose official, more specific name is the Ceylan-Myriad [3] layer.

The project repository is located here.

[3]It was formerly known as the Common layer.

Usage Guidelines


The Myriad layer is licensed by its author (Olivier Boudeville) under a disjunctive tri-license, giving you the choice of one of the three following sets of free software/open source licensing terms:

This allows the use of the Myriad code in as wide a variety of software projects as possible, while still maintaining copyleft on this code.

Being triple-licensed means that someone (the licensee) who modifies and/or distributes it can choose which of the available sets of licence terms he/she is operating under.

Enhancements are expected to be back-contributed (hopefully), so that everyone can benefit from them.

About Layers

The Myriad services are to be used by this layer itself (for its inner workings), and, more importantly, are to be re-used, specialised and enriched by layers built on top of it.

The general rule is that a layer may depend on (i.e. make use of) all layers below it (not only the one just preceding it), but cannot refer to any layer above it (it should be literally unaware of their existence).

So, in a bottom-up view, generally a software stack mentioned here begins with the operating system (typically GNU/Linux), then Erlang/OTP, then Myriad, then any layer(s) built on top of them (ex: WOOPER).

Of course a given layer does not mask the layers below; for example programs using the Myriad layer typically use also a lot the services brought by the Erlang base libraries.

Getting Myriad


The operating system is supposed to be any not-so-old GNU/Linux distribution [4].

People reported uses of Myriad on macOS, yet no extensive testing has been done there.

Whereas Erlang supports Windows and we tried to be as cross-platform as possible, even with tools like MSYS2 / MinGW-w64 we suppose quite a lot of special cases would have to be addressed (patches welcome, though!).

[4]For what it is worth, we prefer Arch Linux, but this does not really matter here.

The main tool prerequisite is of course having the Erlang environment available, in its 23.0 version [5] or more recent.

[5]Most probably that older versions of Erlang would be more than sufficient in order to build Myriad (possibly at the expense of minor changes in a few calls to standard modules having been deprecated since then). It is just that in general we prefer to stick to the latest stable versions of software such as Erlang, and advise you to do so.

There are various ways of obtaining it (from your distribution, from prebuilt packages, directly from the sources), one of which being the script that we devised.

A simple use of it is:

$ ./ --doc-install --generate-plt

One may execute ./ --help for more guidance about how to configure it, notably in order to enable all modules of interest (crypto, wx, etc.).

Getting Myriad's Sources

This is pretty straightforward, based on the project repository hosted by Github:

$ git clone myriad

This should download in your current directory the full Myriad repository. For OTP compliance, using for such a clone its short name (myriad) rather than its long one (Ceylan-Myriad) is recommended.

The Myriad master branch is meant to stick to the latest stable version: we try to ensure that this main line always stays functional (sorry for the pun). Evolutions are to take place in feature branches and to be merged only when ready.

Building Myriad

If a relevant Erlang installation is available, this is as simple as:

$ cd myriad
$ make all

The parallel build of the whole layer (services and tests alike) shall complete successfully (if it is not the case, see our support section).

One may just run make by itself in order to list the main available options.

One may run make create-myriad-checkout in order to create, based on our conventions, a suitable _checkouts directory so that rebar3 can directly take into account local, directly available (in-development) dependencies (although Myriad does not have any, beside Erlang itself).

Alternatively to using make directly, one may execute rebar3 compile instead.

Testing Myriad

As Myriad has no prerequisite (besides Erlang itself of course), just run (possibly simply thanks to rebar3 compile after a git clone, still from the root directory of Myriad:

$ make test

The testing shall complete successfully (if it is not the case, see our support section).


Myriad is built and tested at each commit through continuous integration. The same holds for the projects based on it, directly (ex: WOOPER, Seaplus) or not (ex: Traces, Mobile, US-Web), so in terms of usability, confidence should be high.

Type-checking Myriad

As Myriad is (by default) to enable debug information with a key-based protection of the resulting BEAM files, one should first have such key defined.

One way of doing so is, if wanted, to update the default key (see DEBUG_INFO_KEY in and to write in on disk (ex: make write-debug-key-file), and to rebuild Myriad accordingly afterwards (ex: make rebuild).

Then, still from the myriad root directory:

$ make generate-local-plt self-check-against-plt

It will trigger a full type-checking of Myriad, done thanks to Dialyzer.

This time-consuming phase will complete with a rather long list of notifications. Help us reducing it! These messages are numerous, but we do not think that most of them are so worrying.

Finally, to trigger in one go a full rebuild, testing and type-checking, one may run:

$ make check

Maintaining Myriad and Deriving Projects with regard to rebar3

For Myriad as for all developments built on top of it (ex: specialisation layers or applications), any dependency may be specified in their rebar.config [6] through a branch of a GIT repository corresponding to that dependency.

[6]For example, with the conventions we rely on, rebar.config is generated from the conf/rebar.config.template file of the project of interest.

For example, Myriad itself does not require any specific dependency, but projects making use of Myriad (ex: WOOPER) may specify in their rebar.config:

{deps, [{myriad, {git, "git://",
                                      {branch, "master"}}}]}.

However, when having to build a dependency, rebar3 will not refer to the tip of the branch specified for it, but to any commit it may read from any pre-existing rebar.lock file at the root of the current project (the underlying goal being to allow for more reproducible builds).

As the rebar3 recommandation is to store a version of that lock file in source version control, it shall be regularly updated otherwise the dependencies of a given project will stick, for the worst, to an older version of their branch, designated by an obsolete reference (this can be detected for example when continuous integration breaks after a nevertheless legit commit of the project).

The solution is thus, for a project of interest, to regularly force an update of its dependencies referenced in its own lock file, and to commit the resulting version.

For example, one would issue from the root of the project of interest:

$ rebar3 upgrade

This may update the ref entry of its dependencies (including Myriad) in its rebar.lock file, which shall then be committed for posterity.

OTP Build

These build considerations apply to Myriad but also, more generally, to most if not all our Erlang developments.

Why Providing Two Different Build/Deploy/Run Systems

We felt that OTP build tools and Emakefiles were not expressive enough for our needs: as mentioned in Building Myriad, a full, rather complete/complex/powerful build system based on GNU make is used by Ceylan-Myriad natively instead, and has been fully satisfactory for years (simple, lightweight, reliable, controllable, flexible, fast, etc.).

It allows to introduce all the generic rules we wanted, to define many conditional settings, to walk through an arbitrarily nested source tree, to integrate within a layered stack (notably alongside some other Ceylan-* libraries that depend on Ceylan-Myriad) and to perform a multi-stage build to accommodate the compilation and use of parse-transforms, with their own set of prerequisites.

More precisely we routinely (see WOOPER or Seaplus) rely on layers built on top of Myriad, which define their own parse transforms that are themselves parse-transformed by Myriad's one - and it works great.

However, to better integrate with other Erlang developments (which are mostly OTP-compliant), we added the (optional) possibility of generating a Myriad OTP library application out of the build tree, ready to be integrated into an (OTP) release and to be available as an Hex package. For that we rely on rebar3, relx and hex.

So currently all our Erlang-based developments can also be built and tested through rebar3, and this support is checked at each commit thanks to continuous integration.

We use less frequently releases (we rely on a basic deployment procedure of our own) and even less hex, yet they were supported once, so we believe that their integration should be at least fairly close to be operational (if not, patches welcome!).

Relying on Rebar3

Despite the kind support of the rebar3 authors and much time spent on its integration, sometimes our build based on it (for Myriad and the projects built on top of it) has encountered issues or has been lagging behind our native one.

Now we believe that all pending issues have been solved (rebar3 is a neat tool), yet being able to switch back to another lighter, ad-hoc, more controlled build system is sometimes a relief - at least a welcome security. Anyway the user can choose between these two (native vs rebar3) build machineries. As for us, we still prefer our native build system, even if it leaves to the developer the task of installing the needed prerequisites by him/herself.

OTP Application

Myriad is not an active OTP application, and as such does not rely on, or provides, services running in the background; so no supervision tree or gen_server is involved here, just a library application ready for OTP integration [7].

[7]Speaking of OTP, in development mode, proc_lib-based spawns used to be enabled, yet this led to longer error messages that were not that useful; see spawn_utils.hrl if wanting to re-enable them.
Getting rebar3

There are various ways for obtaining rebar3; we prefer:

$ cd ~/Software && git clone
    && cd rebar3 && ./bootstrap

Alternatively, should you just want to update a (pre-existing) rebar3 install, first get the current version (rebar3 -v) to check it afterwards, then issue rebar3 local upgrade; however this would involve running rebar from .cache/rebar3/bin, so instead we prefer using (typically from ~/Software/rebar3):

$ git pull && ./bootstrap

Another option is to download a prebuilt version of rebar3.

Finally, one may prefer using the script that we devised, which automates and enforces our conventions while letting the choice between an installation from sources or from a prebuilt version thereof (just un --help for guidance).

Generating Ceylan-Myriad

Then, from the root of a Myriad clone, to obtain the Ceylan-Myriad library application, one just has to enter:

$ make rebar3-application

It will trigger rebar3, resulting [8] in a full, OTP-compliant build tree created in _build (including a properly-generated _build/default/lib/myriad/ebin/ file), and more generally in a proper OTP application.

[8]The operation was previously done through a rebar pre-compile hook, so that the our native build system could be relied upon before injecting the produced BEAMs into rebar's _build tree. Because of extraneous, failing recompilations being triggered by rebar, now we rely on a build system parallel to - and directly inspired by - our native one, directly done from within rebar (once properly triggered by our user-oriented Make targets).
Testing Ceylan-Myriad

As a result, the OTP application support can be tested from the root of an (already-built, with make rebar3-application) Myriad source tree:

$ cd src/utils
$ make myriad_otp_application_run
       Running unitary test myriad_otp_application_run (third form) from

--> Testing module myriad_otp_application_test.

Starting the Myriad application.
Myriad version: {1,0,11}.
Current user name: 'stallone'.
Stopping the Myriad application.
Successful end of test of the Myriad application.
=INFO REPORT==== 18-Jul-2019::22:37:24.779037 ===
   application: myriad
   exited: stopped
   type: temporary

--> Successful end of test.

(test finished, interpreter halted)

This support can be also tested manually, directly through the build tree used by rebar3; from the root of Myriad, after having run make rebar3-application:

$ erl -pz _build/default/lib/myriad/ebin/
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.4] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [...]

Eshell V10.4  (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(myriad).
2> text_utils:format( "Hello ~s", [ world ] ).
"Hello world"
3> application:stop(myriad).
=INFO REPORT==== 18-Jul-2019::22:47:36.429804 ===
   application: myriad
   exited: stopped
   type: temporary

When needing to include a Myriad header file (taking spawn_utils.hrl as an example) in one's code, OTP conventions mandate using:


rather than:


OTP Release

Quite similarly, to obtain a Ceylan-Myriad OTP release (relx being used in the background), possibly for a given profile like default (development mode) or prod (production mode) - refer to REBAR_PROFILE in, one just has to run, from the root of Myriad:

$ make rebar3-release

Hex Package

The hex package manager relies on mix, which is commonly installed with Elixir (another language built on top of the Erlang VM).

Thanks to the rebar3 integration with the rebar3_hex plugin specified in Myriad's (generated) rebar.config, hex will be automatically installed and set up.

By following the publishing guidelines ([1], [2]), we were able to publish Hex packages for Myriad that can be freely used. And there was much rejoicing!

One just has to specify for example {deps,[myriad]}. in one's rebar.config, and that's it.


Finally our workflow does not rely on Hex, so we do not update the Hex packages anymore. Just drop us an email if needing an updated one.

For more details, one may have a look at:

  • rebar.config.template, the general rebar configuration file used when generating the Myriad OTP application and release
  • rebar-for-hex.config.template, to generate a corresponding Hex package for Myriad (whose structure and conventions is quite different from the previous OTP elements)
  • rebar-for-testing.config.template, the simplest test of the previous Hex package: an empty rebar project having for sole dependency that Hex package

Services offered by the Myriad Layer

The Myriad services are gathered into following themes:

  1. General build structure
  2. General settings
  3. Maths services
  4. Data-management services
  5. Helpers for graphical user interface (GUI) programming
  6. All-purpose helper scripts
  7. Utility toolbox
  8. Management of units
  9. Metaprogramming, based on heavy use of parse transforms
  10. SQL support

In future versions of this document, following topics will be discussed:

  • HDF5 support
  • REST support
  • third-party language bindings (ex: Python, Java, maybe in the future Haskell; C/C++ is to be tackled by our Seaplus project)
  • RDF support

Even if this document does not constitute an exhaustive walk-through, each of them is detailed in turn below.

The next level of detail is to peer at the referenced source files, as they include many implementation notes, comments and typing information.

General Build Structure

Various elements are defined at the myriad level to set-up an appropriate build, based on GNU Make.

This includes:

  • a set of pre-defined Make variables, describing various settings that will be reused by generic rules (ex: to compile modules with relevant flags, to create source archives, to install an application, to manage the various paths, to perform test checking, to generate archives, installs and releases, etc.); these variables are defined in myriad/
  • a set of generic rules, to compile and run various modules and tests, to generate various elements of documentation, etc.; these rules are defined (still from the myriad root directory), in:
    •, for all rules that apply generically to a some kinds of targets
    •, for all "direct" rules, that are not pattern-based
    • doc/, for all documentation-related rules
  • finally, the whole is gathered in a unique file to include,, whose structure allows for a safe and sound combination of all these build element across a series of layers (the first of which being Myriad)
  • examples of minimal Make files, which mostly specify the relative base path and only refer to the generic variables and rules; see myriad/src/GNUmakefile as an example

These build facilities are designed to be enriched in turn by all layers above, which may add or override variables and rules.

An example of this stacked structure is the Ceylan-WOOPER layer (see official site), which is directly built on top of Ceylan-Myriad (and itself a base layer for other layers and applications).

General Settings

These general-purpose settings and helpers, gathered in Myriad's conf directory, deal with:

  • default CSS files (Default-docutils.css)
  • our recommended versions of (commented) configuration files for various tools:
    • for Emacs: init.el, to be placed in the ~/.emacs.d/ directory; in addition to our init.el configuration file, we rely on acme-search.el, flyspell-guess.el and whitespace.el (all in the ~/.emacs.d directory - check that they are not eclipsed by any other initialisation file, like a stray ~/.emacs file; see also our script)
    • for Nedit: nedit.rc, to be placed in the ~/.nedit/ directory
  • our standard script to properly install Erlang ( with detailed comments and command-line options (use --help for more information)

Maths Services

Some simple maths-related operations are defined in the myriad/src/maths directory:

  • the most basic services are centralised in math_utils.erl and provide:
    • general operations apparently lacking to Erlang (for example for conversions or rounding (floor/1, ceiling/1), or not exactly implemented as we would have liked (ex: modulo/2)
    • operations tailored to operate on floating-point values (ex: are_close/{2,3}, are_relatively_close/{2,3}, get_relative_difference/2, is_null/1)
    • operations on angles (ex: radian_to_degree/1, canonify/1)
    • the associated typing information
  • linear-related operations are defined; for example the 2D operations are defined in linear_2D.erl (their 3D counterparts being defined in linear_3D.erl, their 4D counterparts in linear_4D.erl; base ones in linear.erl) and include:
    • operations on points: are_close/2, is_within/3, square_distance/2, distance/2, cross_product/2, roundify/1, get_integer_center/2, get_center/2, translate/2, etc.
    • operations on vectors: vectorize/2, square_magnitude/1, magnitude/1, scale/2, make_unit/1, normal_left/1, normal_right/1, dot_product/2, etc.
    • operations on lines: get_line/2, intersect/2, get_abscissa_for_ordinate/2, etc.
    • operations related to angles: is_strictly_on_the_right/3, is_obtuse/1, abs_angle_rad/3, angle_rad/3, abs_angle_deg/3, angle_deg/3, etc.
    • operations on sets of points: compute_smallest_enclosing_rectangle/1, compute_max_overall_distance/1, compute_convex_hull/1, etc.
  • polygon-related operations are available in polygon.erl:
    • generation of polygons: get_triangle/3, get_upright_square/2, get_polygon/1, etc.
    • operations on them: get_diameter/1, get_smallest_enclosing_rectangle/1, get_area/1, is_in_clockwise_order/1, is_convex/1, to_string/1, etc.
    • rendering them: render/2, set_edge_color/2, get_edge_color/1, set_fill_color/2, get_fill_color/1, etc.
    • managing their bounding boxes: update_bounding_box/2, etc.
  • bounding-boxes in general are supported in bounding_box.erl, including get_lazy_circle_box/1, get_minimal_enclosing_circle_box/1, etc.
  • a minimalist Runge-Kutta solver is defined in rk4_solver.erl

Data-Management Services

Some generic data-structures, in addition to the ones provided built-in with Erlang, are defined in myriad/src/data-management, notably:

  • a set of associative tables, with a rather complete interface (to create, update, enrich, search, query, list, map, fold, merge, display, etc.) and various implementations thereof, tests and benchmarks, in:
  • a table pseudo-module to abstract them out from the user's point of view; note that this is a fully virtual module, in the sense that neither table.erl nor table.beam exist (the Myriad parse transform replaces a call to the table module by, currently, a call to the map_table module; so, in order to consult the table API, please refer to map_table.erl)
  • a way of generating a read-only associative table whose key/value pairs can be read from any number (potentially extremely large) of readers very efficiently (const_table.erl)
  • a specific support for other datatypes (pair.erl, option_list.erl, preferences.erl, tree.erl; also: set_utils.erl and ring_utils.erl)
  • a first-level, optional support of the HDF5 file format (based on, and thus requiring, the enhanced fork we made of erlhdf5); the same applies for CSV and JSON, and also for RDF

Finally, the void/0, maybe/1 and fallible/1 types are supported (thanks to the Myriad parse-transform).

Support for Code Injection

It may be useful to decide, at compile-time, whether some code should be added / removed / transformed / generated based on tokens defined by the user.

This is done here thanks to the use of conditional primitives and associated compilation defines (sometimes designated as "macros", and typically specified in makefiles, with the -D flag).

These conditional primitives are gathered in the cond_utils module.

As an early example, so that a piece of code prints Hello! on the console when executed iff (if and only if) the my_token compilation token has been defined (through the -Dmy_token command-line flag), one may use:

cond_utils:if_defined(my_token, io:format("Hello!"))

Of course, as such a code injection is done at compilation-time, should compilation defines be modified the modules making use of the corresponding primitives shall be recompiled so that these changes are taken into account.

Let's enter a bit more in the details now.

Defining a token

A token (a compilation-time symbol) may or may not defined.

To define my_token, simply ensure that a -Dmy_token command-line option is specified to the compiler (ex: refer to ERLANG_COMPILER_TOKEN_OPT, in, for an example of definition for these flags).

To define my_token and set it to the integer value 127, use the -Dmy_token=127 command-line option. Values can also be floats (ex: -Dmy_token=3.14) or atoms (ex: -Dmy_token=some_atom).

A special token is myriad_debug_mode; if it is defined at all (and possibly associated to any value), the debug mode of Myriad is enabled.

We recommend that layers built on top of Myriad define their own token for debug mode (ex: foobar_debug_mode), to be able to finely select appropriate debug modes (of course all kinds of modes and configuration settings can be considered as well).

Defining the code to inject

Based on the defined tokens, code may be injected; this code can be any Erlang expression, and the value to which it will evaluate (at runtime) can be used as any other value in the program.

Injecting a single expression (i.e. not multiple ones) is not a limitation: not only this single expression can be a function call (thus corresponding to arbitrarily many expressions), but more significantly a series of expressions can be nested in a begin / end block, making them a single expression [9].

[9]A previous implementation of cond_utils allowed to specify the code to inject either as an expression or as a list of expressions. It was actually a mistake, as a single expression to return can be itself a list (ex: ["red", "blue"]), which bears a different semantics and should not be interpreted as a list of expressions to evaluate. For example, the result from the code to inject may be bound to a variable, in which case we expect A=["red", "blue"] rather than A="red", "blue" (this latter term being constructed but not used).

Using tokens to enable code injection

Various primitives for code injection are available in the cond_utils (mostly pseudo-) module [10].

[10]Their actual implementation lies in Myriad's parse transform.

There is first if_debug/1, to be used as:


Like in:

A = "Joe",
cond_utils:if_debug(io:format("Hello ~s!",[A]))

or, to illustrate expression blocks:

                        io:format("Goodbye ~p",[C])

These constructs will be replaced by the expression they specify for injection, at their location in the program, iff the myriad_debug_mode token has been defined, otherwise they will be replaced by nothing at all (hence with exactly no runtime penalty; and the result of the evaluation of if_debug/1 is then not an expression).

Similarly, if_defined/2, used as:

cond_utils:if_defined(TOKEN, EXPR_IF_DEFINED)

will inject EXPR_IF_DEFINED if TOKEN has been defined (regardless of any value associated to this token), otherwise the if_defined/2 call will be removed as a whole [11].

[11]So if_debug(EXPR) behaves exactly as: if_defined(myriad_debug_mode,EXPR).

As for if_defined/3, it supports two expressions:


For example:

% Older versions being less secure:
TLSSupportedVersions = cond_utils:if_defined(us_web_relaxed_security,
             ['tlsv1.3', 'tlsv1.2', 'tlsv1.1', 'tlsv1'],

If us_web_relaxed_security has been defined, the first list will be injected, otherwise the second will.

Note that a call to if_defined/3 results thus in an expression.

Finally, with if_set_to/{3,4}, the injection will depend not only of a token being defined or not, but also onto the value (if any) to which it is set.

For if_set_to/3:

cond_utils:if_defined(TOKEN, VALUE, EXPR_IF_SET_TO_THIS_VALUE)

will inject EXPR_IF_SET_TO_THIS_VALUE iff TOKEN has been defined and set to VALUE. As a result, the specified expression will not be injected if some_token has been set to another value, or not been defined at all.

Usage example, -Dsome_token=42 having possibly been defined beforehand:

cond_utils:if_set_to(some_token,42, SomePid ! hello)])

As for if_set_to/4, in:


EXPR_IF_SET_TO_THIS_VALUE will be injected iff TOKEN has been defined and set to VALUE, otherwise (not set or set to a different value) EXPR_OTHERWISE will be.


Level = cond_utils:if_set_to(my_token, foobar_enabled, 1.0, 0.0) + 4.5

Finally, the switch_set_to/{2,3} primitives allow to generalise these if-like constructs, with one among any number of code branches selected based on the build-time value of a token, possibly with defaults (should the token not be defined at all, or defined to a value that is not among the ones associated to a code branch).

For that we specify a list of pairs, each made of a value and of the corresponding expression to be injected if the actual token matches that value, like in:

cond_utils:switch_set_to(TOKEN, [
       {VALUE_1, EXPR_1},
       {VALUE_2, EXPR_2},
       % [...]
       {VALUE_N, EXPR_N}])

For example:

cond_utils:switch_set_to(my_token, [
     {my_first_value, io:format("Hello!")},
     {my_second_value, begin f(), g(X,debug), h() end},
     {some_third_value, a(X,Y)}])

A compilation-time error will be raised if my_token is not set, or if it is set to none of the declared values (i.e. not in [my_first_value, my_second_value, some_third_value]).

A variation of this primitive exists that applies a default token value if none was, or if the token was set to a value that is not listed among any of the ones designating a code branch, like in:

                           [ {VALUE_1, EXPR_1},
                             {VALUE_2, EXPR_2},
                             % [...]
                             {VALUE_N, EXPR_N}],

As always with primitives that define a default, alternate branch, they always inject an expression and thus can be considered as such.

For example:

ModuleFilename = atom_to_list( cond_utils:switch_set_to(some_token,
              [{1, foo}, {14, bar}, {20, hello}], 14) ++ ".erl"

Here, if some_token is not defined, or defined to a value that is neither 1, 14 or 20, then the 14 default value applies, and thus ModuleFilename is set to "bar.erl".

Refer to cond_utils_test.erl for further usage examples.

Controlling assertions

It may be convenient that, depending on a compile-time token (ex: in debug mode, typically triggered thanks to the -Dmyriad_debug_mode compilation flag), assertions (expressions expected to evaluate to the atom true) are enabled, whereas they shall be dismissed as a whole should that token not be defined.

To define an assertion enabled in debug mode, use assert/1, like in:


Should at runtime the expression specified to assert/1 be evaluated to a value V that is different from the atom true, a {assertion_failed,V} exception will be thrown.

More generally, an assertion may be enabled by any token (not only myriad_debug_mode) being defined, like in:


Finally, an assertion may be enabled iff a token (here, some_token) has been defined and set to a given value (here, 42), like in:

cond_utils:assert(some_token,42,not baz() andalso A)

This may be useful for example to control, on a per-theme basis, the level of checking performed, like in:


Note that, in this case, a given level of checking should include the one just below it (ex: more_involved_testing() should call basic_testing()).

Usage Hints

For tokens, at least currently they must be defined as immediate values (atoms); even using a mute variable, like for the _Default=my_token expression, or a variable, is not supported (at least yet).

Note that, for primitives that may not inject code at all (ex: if_debug/1), if their conditions are not fulfilled, the specified conditional code is dismissed as a whole, it is not even replaced for example by an ok atom; this may matter if this conditional is the only expression in a case clause for example, in which case a compilation failure like "internal error in core; crash reason: function_clause in function v3_core:cexprs/3 called as v3_core:cexprs[...]" will be reported (the compiler sees unexpectedly a clause not having even a single expression).

A related issue may happen when switching conditional flags: it will select/deselect in-code expressions at compile time, and may lead functions and/or variables to become unused, and thus may trigger at least warnings [12].

[12]Warnings that we prefer promoting to errors, as they constitute a very convenient safety net.

For functions that could become unused due to the conditional setting of a token, the compiler could certainly be silenced by exporting them; yet a better approach is surely to use:



-compile({nowarn_unused_function,[my_func/3, my_other_func/0]}).

As for variables, should A, B or C be reported as unused if some_token was not set, then the basic_utils:ignore_unused/1 function (mostly a no-op) could be of use:

                      f(A, B, C),
                      basic_utils:ignore_unused([A, B, C])),

Alternatively, nowarn_unused_vars could be used instead, at least in some modules.

For more information

Refer for usage and stubs to the cond_utils module (defined in myriad/src/meta), knowing that it is actually implemented thanks to the Myriad parse transform.

For examples and testing, see the cond_utils_test module.

Helpers For User Interface Programming

Some services have been defined, in myriad/src/user-interface, in order to handle more easily interactions with the user, i.e. to provide a user interface.


The user-interface services, as a whole, are currently not functional. A rewriting thereof as been started yet has not completed yet.

Various Flavours of User Interfaces

Such a user interface may be:

  • either text-only, within a console, relying either on the very basic text_ui (for raw text) or its more advanced term_ui counterpart (for terminal-based outputs)
  • or graphical, with gui

Text-based user interfaces are quite useful, as they are lightweight, incur few dependencies (if any), and can be used with headless remote servers (text_ui and term_ui work well through SSH, and require no X server nor mouse).

As for graphical-based user interfaces, they are the richest, most usual, and generally the most convenient, user-friendly interfaces.

The user interfaces provided by Myriad are stateful, they rely on a state that can be:

  • either explicit, in a functional way; thus having to be carried in all calls
  • or implicit, using - for that very specific need only - the process dictionary (even if we try to stay away of it as much as possible)

We tested the two approaches and preferred the latter (implicit) one, which was found considerably more flexible and thus finally fully superseded the (former) explicit one.

We made our best so that a lower-level API interface (relying on a more basic backend) is strictly included in the higher-level ones (ex: term_ui adds concepts - like the one of window or box - to the line-based text_ui), in order that any program using a given user interface may use any of the next, upper ones as well (provided implicit states are used), in the following order: the text_ui API is included in the one of term_ui, which is itself included in the one of gui.

We also defined the settings table, which is a table gathering all the settings specified by the developer, which the current user interface does its best to accommodate.

Thanks to these "Matryoshka" APIs and the settings table, the definition of a more generic ui interface has been possible. It selects automatically, based on available local software dependencies, the most advanced available backend, with the most relevant settings.

For example a relevant backend will be automatically selected by:

$ cd test/user-interface/src
$ make ui_run

On the other hand, if wanting to select a specified backend:

$ make ui_run CMD_LINE_OPT="--use-ui-backend term_ui"

(see the corresponding GNUmakefile for more information)

Raw Text User Interface: text_ui

This is the most basic, line-based monochrome textual interface, directly in raw text with no cursor control.

Located in {src,test}/user-interface/textual, see text_ui.erl for its implementation, and text_ui_test.erl for an example of its use.

Terminal Text User Interface: term_ui

This is a more advanced textual interface than the previous one, with colors, dialog boxes, support of locales, etc., based on dialog (possibly whiptail could be supported as well). Such backend of course must be available on the execution host then.

For example, to secure these prerequisites:

# On Arch Linux:
$ pacman -S dialog

# On Debian-like distros:
$ apt-get install dialog

Located in {src,test}/user-interface/textual, see term_ui.erl for its implementation, and term_ui_test.erl for an example of its use.

Graphical User Interface: gui

This interface relied initially on gs (now deprecated), now on wx (a port of wxWidgets), maybe later in HTML 5 (possibly relying on the Nitrogen web framework for that). For the base dialogs, Zenity could have been on option.


GUI services are currently being reworked, to provide a gs-like concurrent API while relying underneath on wx, with some additions (such as canvases).

The goal is to provide a small, lightweight API (including message types) that are higher-level than wx, and do not depend on any particular GUI backend (such as wx, gs, etc.) to avoid that user programs become obsolete too quickly, as backends for GUI rise and fall relatively often.

So for example the messages received by the user programs shall not mention wx, and they should take a form compliant with WOOPER message conventions, to easily enable user code to rely on WOOPER if wanted.

Located in {src,test}/user-interface/graphical, see gui.erl, gui_color.erl, gui_text.erl, gui_canvas.erl, etc., with a few tests (gui_test.erl, lorenz_test.erl).

Related information of interest:

Myriad's Helper Scripts

A small set of scripts has been defined, in myriad/src/scripts, to provide generic facilities useful in the context of Myriad [13].

[13]For a more general collection of (different) scripts, one may refer to Ceylan-Hull, notably the ones to facilitate development.

Erlang-Dedicated Scripts

Searching for Erlang elements

To search for a text pattern through an Erlang source tree.

Usage: ergrep [-v|--verbose] [-q|--quiet] [-f|--filenames-only] [-i|--insensitive] <Expression to be found in sources> [TARGET_BASE_DIR]: recursive grep in Erlang source files, either from the TARGET_BASE_DIR directory, if specified, otherwise from the current directory.
-v or --verbose: be specifically verbose
-q or --quiet: be specifically quiet, just listing matches
-f or --filenames-only: display only filenames, not also the matched patterns, and if there are multiple matches in the same file, its filename will be output only once (implies quiet); useful for scripts
-i or --insensitive: perform case-insensitive searches in the content of files, and also in the searched Erlang filenames
Example: ergrep -i 'list_to_form(' /tmp

To search for the definition of a type of interest.

Usage: [-h|--help] A_TYPE [A_DIR]: attempts to find the definition of the specified Erlang type from the specified directory (if any), otherwise from the current one.

To search for a function spec of interest.

Usage: [-h|--help] A_FUNCTION_NAME [A_DIR]: attempts to find the type specification for the specified Erlang function (even if the name is partial and/or includes an arity) from the specified directory (if any), otherwise from the current one.

To search for the definition of a record of interest.

Usage: [-h|--help] A_RECORD_NAME [A_DIR]: attempts to find the definition of the specified Erlang record from the specified directory (if any), otherwise from the current one.
Regarding Typing

Lists all Erlang types found in specified tree.

Usage: [-h|--help] [ROOT_DIR]: lists all types (according to Erlang type specifications) defined from the ROOT_DIR directory (if specified) or from the current directory.

Generates and adds the type specification of all functions in specified module(s).

Usage: add-deduced-type-specs.escript FS_ELEMENT
Adds, for each selected BEAM file (either specified directly as a file, or found recursively from a specified directory), in the corresponding source file(s), for each function, the type specification that could be deduced from its current implementation.
FS_ELEMENT is either the path of a BEAM file or a directory that will be scanned recursively for BEAM files.
Note that BEAM files must be already compiled, and with debug information (see the '+debug_info' compile flag).
Note also that generating type specs this way may not a good practice.
Regarding Basic Performance Measurement

Monitors on the console the busiest Erlang processes of a VM.

Usage: [-node NODE_NAME] [-setcookie COOKIE]: shows on the console the activity of the Erlang processes on specified Erlang node (enter CTRL-C twice to exit).
Example: -node -setcookie 'my cookie'

Returns a mean resource consumption for the specified shell command (one may prefer relying on

Usage: benchmark-command.escript COMMAND: returns a mean resource consumption for the specified shell command.

Example: benchmark-command.escript " 1 2"


Outputs basic statistics about an Erlang code base.

Usage: [-h|--help] [SOURCE_DIRECTORY]: evaluates various simple metrics of the Erlang code found from any specified root directory, otherwise from the current one.

The only shell script on which we rely in order to launch an Erlang VM.

Usage: [-v] [-c a_cookie] [--sn a_short_node_name | --ln a_long_node_name | --nn an_ignored_node_name ] [--tcp-range min_port max_port] [--epmd-port new_port] [--fqdn a_fqdn] [--max-process-count max_count] [--busy-limit kb_size] [--async-thread-count thread_count] [--background] [--non-interactive] [--eval an_expression] [--no-auto-start] [-h|--help] [--beam-dir a_path] [--beam-paths path_1 path_2] [-start-verbatim-options [...]]: launches the Erlang interpreter with specified settings.
Detailed options:
-v: be verbose
-c a_cookie: specify a cookie, otherwise no cookie will be specifically set
--sn a_short_node_name: distributed node using specified short name (ex: 'my_short_name')
--ln a_long_node_name: distributed node using specified long name (ex: 'my_long_name')
--nn an_ignored_node_name: non-distributed node, specified name ignored (useful to just switch the naming options)
--tcp-range min_port max_port: specify a TCP port range for inter-node communication (useful for firewalling issues)
--epmd-port new_port: specify a specific EPMD port (default: 4369); only relevant if the VM is to be distributed (using short or long names), initially or at runtime
--fqdn a_fqdn: specify the FQDN to be used
--max-process-count max_count: specify the maximum number of processes per VM (default: 400000)
--busy-limit size: specify the distribution buffer busy limit, in kB (default: 1024)
--async-thread-count thread_count: specify the number of asynchronous threads for driver calls (default: 128)
--background: run the launched interpreter in the background (ideal to run as a daemon, ex: on a server)
--daemon: run the node as a daemon (relies on run_erl and implies --background)
--non-interactive: run the launched interpreter with no shell nor input reading (ideal to run through a job manager, ex: on a cluster)
--eval 'an Erlang expression': start by evaluating this expression
--no-auto-start: disable the automatic execution at VM start-up
-h or --help: display this help
--beam-dir a_path: adds specified directory to the path searched for beam files (multiple --beam-dir options can be specified)
--beam-paths first_path second_path ...: adds specified directories to the path searched for beam files (multiple paths can be specified; must be the last option)
--log-dir: specify the directory in which the VM logs (if using run_erl) shall be written
Other options will be passed 'as are' to the interpreter with a warning, except if they are listed after a '-start-verbatim-options' option, in which case they will passed with no warning.
If neither '--sn' nor '--ln' is specified, then the node will not be a distributed one.
Example: -v --ln ceylan --eval 'class_TimeManager_test:run()'

Displays the content of the specified XML file.

Usage: show_xml_file.escript XML_FILE_PATH
Displays sequentially in a {name,Value} tree the structure of specified XML file (XML elements along with their XML attributes).

More General Scripts

To generate documentation

These scripts are mostly unrelated to Erlang, yet are useful to be available from our most basic layer (Myriad).

Generates a proper PDF and/or HTML file from specified RST (reStructuredText) one (main, standalone script).

Usage: <target rst file> [--pdf|--all|<comma-separated path(s) to CSS file to be used, ex: common/css/XXX.css,other.css>] [--icon-file ICON_FILENAME]
Generates a final document from specified docutils source file (*.rst).
If '--pdf' is specified, a PDF will be created, if '--all' is specified, all output formats (i.e. HTML and PDF) will be created, otherwise HTML files only will be generated, using any specified CSS file.

Generates a proper PDF and/or HTML file from specified RST (reStructuredText) one; the previous script is often preferred to this one, which depends on Myriad.

Usage: RST_FILE: generates a PDF file from the specified RST file, overwriting any past file with that name.
Ex: ' my_file.rst' will attempt to generate a new 'my_file.pdf' file.

Script-based Apps

These shell scripts are actually user-facing shell interfaces that plug directly on some more involved Erlang programs, i.e. applications that are available here.

Generates a proper random password respecting various rules, whose simple application can be transparently checked (probably at least more easily audited than most password managers - thus maybe more trustable).

Usage: generate-password.escript [-a ALPHABET|--alphabet ALPHABET]
[-l MIN_LEN MAX_LEN|--length MIN_LEN MAX_LEN] [-h|--help]
Generates a suitable password, where:
- ALPHABET designates the set of characters to draw from (default one being 'extended'), among:
* 'base': alphanumeric letters, all cases [A-Za-z0-9]
* 'extended': 'base' + basic punctuation (i.e. '[](){}:,;-_.!?')
* 'full': 'base' + all punctuation (i.e. basic + '"'@ /&$*^%=+|')
- MIN_LEN and MAX_LEN are the respective minimum and maximum numbers of characters
(bounds included) used to generate this password [default: between 15 and 20]

Helps merging efficiently and reliably file trees; it is actually a rather involved text-based application that allows scanning/comparing/merging trees, typically in order to deduplicate file hierarchies that were cloned once yet may have since then diverged.

Usage: following operations can be triggered:
- ' --input INPUT_TREE --reference REFERENCE_TREE'
- ' --scan A_TREE'
- ' --rescan A_TREE'
- ' --resync A_TREE'
- ' --uniquify A_TREE'
- ' -h' or ' --help'
Ensures, for the first form, that all the changes in a possibly more up-to-date, "newer" tree (INPUT_TREE) are merged back
to the reference tree (REFERENCE_TREE), from which the first tree may have derived. Once executed, only a refreshed,
complemented reference tree will exist, as the input tree will have been removed: all its original content (i.e. its content
that was not already in the reference tree) will have been transferred in the reference tree.
In the reference tree, in-tree duplicated content will be either kept as it is, or removed as a whole (to keep only one
copy thereof), or replaced by symbolic links in order to keep only a single reference version of each actual content.
At the root of the reference tree, a '.merge-tree.cache' file will be stored, in order to avoid any later recomputations of
the checksums of the files that it contains, should they have not changed. As a result, once a merge is done, the reference
tree may contain an uniquified version of the union of the two specified trees, and the input tree will not exist anymore
after the merge.

For the second form (--scan option), the specified tree will simply be inspected for duplicates, and a corresponding
'.merge-tree.cache' file will be created at its root (to be potentially reused by a later operation).
For the third form (--rescan option), an attempt to rebuild an updated '.merge-tree.cache' file will be performed,
computing only the checksum of the files that were not already referenced, or whose timestamp or size changed.
For the fourth form (--resync option), a rebuild even lighter than the previous rescan of '.merge-tree.cache' will be done,
checking only sizes (not timestamps), and updating these timestamps.
For the fifth form (--uniquify option), the specified tree will be scanned first (see the corresponding operation), and
For the fifth form (--uniquify option), the specified tree will be scanned first (see the corresponding operation), and
then the user will be offered various actions regarding found duplicates (being kept as are, or removed, or replaced with
symbolic links), and once done a corresponding up-to-date '.merge-tree.cache' file will be created at its root (to be
potentially reused by a later operation).

For the sixth form (-h or --help option), displays this help.

Note that the --base-dir A_BASE_DIR option can be specified by the user to designate the base directory of all relative
paths mentioned. When a cache file is found, it can be either ignored (and thus recreated) or re-used, either as it is or
after a weak check, where only file existence, sizes and timestamps are then verified (not checksums).

Utility Toolbox

This is the core of the Ceylan-Myriad library: a toolbox comprising many helper functions (with their tests), defined in the myriad/src/utils directory, often providing enhanced, more specialised services compared to the ones offered by the Erlang standard libraries.

These helpers (code and typing information) are thematically aggregated in modules that are generally suffixed by _utils, and include:

  • many basic, general-purpose services, defined in basic_utils.erl, regarding:
    • the base types we defined
    • notifications
    • message handling
    • many miscellaneous functions
  • cipher-related facilities (basic, a bit exotic chained symmetric encryptions, notably with Mealy machines), in cipher_utils.erl
  • functions to manage Erlang compiled BEAM code (code_utils.erl)
  • services to manage the execution of other programs (executable_utils.erl), to:
    • locate said executables
    • to execute functional services (ex: display a PDF) regardless of the actual executable involved
  • a few test-related facilities, in test_facilities.erl
  • services to handle more easily the (UNIX) shells and also the command-line arguments (a bit like getopt), regardless of the interpreter or escript context (shell_utils.erl)
  • helpers for file-based I/O operations (file_utils.erl)
  • services to manage identifiers of various sorts, including sortable ones (id_utils.erl)
  • a very basic support of Finite State Machines (fsm_utils.{e,h}rl)
  • a few operations defined on graphs (graph_utils.erl, with find_breadth_first/{3,4})
  • extra operations defined on lists (list_utils.erl), including rings
  • support for network-related concerns (net_utils.erl.{e,h}rl)
  • services to offer randomness (random_utils.erl), with regard to various sources (the Erlang built-in algorithm, crypto, newer ones like exsplus - our current default, exs64 and exs1024), for seeding, drawing, etc.
  • very little support of RDF operations, standing for Resource Description Framework (rdf_utils.erl)
  • facilities to handle content to the web, to HTTP, etc. (web_utils.erl) and to perform REST calls (rest_utils.erl), using built-in httpc and http_client, including JSON services (json_utils.erl) based on any available parser backend, either jsx or jiffy (note that their detection and use are done transparently at runtime, hence none of them is a declared dependency of Myriad, which will adapt to any choice made by the overall application that includes both Myriad and one of such parsers)
  • elements for the sending of SMS (sms_utils.erl), based either on third-party providers providing REST APIs, or via a mobile phone (typically connected thanks to a USB cable); nothing as advanced as Ceylan-Mobile, though
  • support for operations at the operating-system level (system_utils.{e,h}rl)
  • services to handle text (text_utils.erl)
  • services to handle binary information, such as CRC (bin_utils.erl)
  • functions to manage time information (time_utils.erl)
  • a few helpers to ease the writing of escripts relying on the Myriad layer (script_utils.erl)
  • services addressed to the use of OTP, in otp_utils.erl, allowing notably to run OTP applications out of an OTP context (typically through our native build/run system rather than through rebar3 and even OTP releases)
  • services about all kinds of units (unit_utils.erl); refer to the Management of Units section below for more information
  • support for CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files (csv_utils.erl) and JSON information (json_utils.erl)
  • basic services for trace emission (a.k.a logging - not related to Erlang tracing), either directly through trace_utils.erl, or thanks to trace_bridge.erl - typically to rely on more advanced trace systems such as Ceylan-Traces; now compliant with newer OTP logger and Syslog protocol as defined in RFC 5424, collecting bother userland traces and VM-level logs
  • very basic facilities for applications (not in the sense of OTP ones), in app_facilities.{e,h}rl with an example (most_basic_example_app.erl)
  • a bit of locale management, in locale_utils.erl
  • minor services about the monitoring of Erlang processes, in monitor_utils.erl and their registering in naming services, in naming_utils.erl
  • facilities to better interface Erlang to other languages, in language_utils.erl and {python,java}_utils.erl; nothing as advanced as Ceylan-Seaplus, though

Support for Metaprogramming

Over time, quite a lot of developments grew to form primitives that manage ASTs (Astract Syntax Trees), based on Erlang's parse transforms.

These developments are gathered in the src/meta directory, providing notably:

  • meta_utils.{e,h}rl: basic primitives to transform ASTs, with a bit of testing (meta_utils_test)
  • type_utils: a still rather basic toolbox to manage data types - whether built-in, compound or parametrised (expressed as strings, as terms, etc.)
  • ast_* modules to handle the various elements that can be found in an AST (ex: ast_expression, ast_type, ast_pattern, etc.)

Finally, a few usage examples of these facilities are:

  • minimal_parse_transform_test: the simplest parse transform test that we use, typically operating on simple_parse_transform_target
  • example_parse_transform: a rather minimal parse transform
  • myriad_parse_transform: the parse transform used within Myriad, transforming each and every module of that layer (and of at least some modules of upper layers)

So the purpose of this parse transform is to convert ASTs that are Myriad-compliant into ASTs that are directly Erlang compliant.

For that, following changes are operated:

  • in type specifications, the Myriad-specific void/0, maybe/1 and fallible/1 types are adequately translated:
  • void() becomes basic_utils:void(), a type alias of any(), made to denote returned terms that are not expected to be used by the caller (as if that function's only purpose was its side-effects)
  • maybe(T) becomes the type union 'undefined'|T
  • fallible(T) becomes ultimately the type union {'ok',T}|{'error',term()}
  • both in type specifications and actual code, table/2, the Myriad-specific associative table pseudo-type, is translated into an actual table type:
  • by default, map_hashtable (the generally most efficient one)
  • unless it is overridden on a per-module basis with the table_type define, like in: -table_type(list_table).
  • the cond_utils services drive conditional code injection: based on the build-time tokens defined, their values can be used to perform compilation-time operations such as if (see in this module if_debug/1, if_defined/{2,3}, if_set_to/{3,4}), switch (see switch_set_to/{2,3}, possibly with a default clause) or assert (assert/{1,2,3}); if useful, it should be fairly easy (infrastructure mostly ready) to transform the (currently constant) user-defined build tokens into mutable variables and to add for example compile-time assignments (cond_utils:create_token(TOKEN, MAYBE_INITIAL_VALUE), cond_utils:set_token_value(TOKEN, VALUE) and cond_utils:remove_token(TOKEN, MAYBE_INITIAL_VALUE)) of these variables and loops (for, while, etc.) if not going for a Turing-complete language, if ever that made sense for some uses; see the Support for Code Injection for additional usage details regarding the supported primitives

More generally, Myriad offers the support to traverse any AST (the whole Erlang grammar is supported, in its abstract form) and to transform it (ex: an expression being removed, transformed or replaced by other expressions), with the ability for the user to define his own type/call replacement mappings, or more general transformation functions to be triggered when specified elements are found in the AST (ex: remote calls with relevant MFA).

The traversal may be done in a stateful manner, i.e. any user-defined transformation will be able to access (read/write) any state of its own in the course of the traversal.

As a result, a single pass through the input AST may be done, in which any kind of transformations may be applied, resulting in another (Erlang-compliant) AST being output and afterwards compiled.

Management of Units


A value of a given type (ex: a float) can actually correspond to quantities as different as meters and kilowatts per hour.

Therefore units shall preferably be specified alongside with values being processed, and a language to express, check and convert these units must be retained. Of course units are of interest as other metadata are - such as accuracy, semantics, etc.

Available Support

The Myriad layer provides such a service, in a very basic, ad hoc form (which is useful to introduce "special" non-physical, non-standard units, such as euro/year), meant to be enriched over time.

Specifying Units


For convenience, aliases of units can be defined, i.e. alternate names for a given canonical unit. For example the Hertz unit (Hz) is an alias of the s^-1 (per-second) canonical unit.

Built-in Units

So one may use the following built-in units, whose symbol [14] is specified here between brackets, like in "[N.m]" (an alternate notation is to prefix a unit with U:, like in "U: N.m"):

  • meter, for length [m]
  • gram, for mass [g] [15] (note: this is a footnote, not an exponent!)
  • second, for time [s]
  • ampere, for electric current [A]
  • kelvin, for thermodynamic temperature [K]
  • mole, for the amount of substance [mol]
  • candela, for luminous intensity [cd]
  • hertz, for frequency [Hz]
  • degree, for degree of arc [°] (not supported yet)
  • radian, for angle [rad] (not supported yet)
  • steradian, for solid angle [sr] (not supported yet)
  • newton, for force, weight [N]
  • pascal, for pressure, stress [Pa]
  • joule, for energy, work, heat [J]
  • watt, for power, radiant flux [W]
  • coulomb, for electric charge, quantity of electricity [C]
  • volt, for voltage, electrical potential difference, electromotive force [V]
  • farad, for electrical capacitance [F]
  • ohm, for electrical resistance, impedance, reactance [Ohm]
  • siemens, for electrical conductance [S]
  • weber, for magnetic flux [Wb]
  • tesla, for magnetic field strength, magnetic flux density [T]
  • henry, for inductance [H]
  • lumen, for luminous flux [lm]
  • lux, for illuminance [lx]
  • becquerel, for radioactive decays per unit time [Bq]
  • gray, for absorbed dose of ionizing radiation [Gy]
  • sievert, for equivalent dose of ionizing radiation [Sv]
  • katal, for catalytic activity [kat]
  • the units widely used in conjunction with SI units (note that they may not respect the principle of being a product of integer powers of one or more of the base units):
  • litre, for 10-3m3volumes [L]
  • tonne, for 1,000 kilogram masses [t]
  • electronvolt, for 1.602176565(35).10-19 joule energies [eV]
  • minute, for 60-second durations [min]
  • hour, for 60-minute durations [h]
  • day, for 24-hour durations [day]
  • week, for 7-day durations [week]
  • the special units (they generally cannot map directly to any SI unit, yet can be handled separately), designating:
  • month [month] (correspondence to base time units unspecified, as this duration is not constant; ex: a month can be 29, 30 or 31 days)
  • year [year] (correspondence to base time units unspecified, as this duration is not constant; ex: a year can be 365, 366 or 365.25 days, etc.)
  • degree Celsius, for temperature relative to 273.15 K [°C] (see note below)
  • dimension-less quantities (ex: an index) [dimensionless] (most probably clearer than m/m)
  • a count, i.e. a dimensionless number, generally a positive integer [count] (ex: 14), considered as an alias of dimensionless
  • a ratio, i.e. a dimensionless floating-point value, generally displayed as a percentage [ratio] (ex: -12.9%); another alias of dimensionless
  • currencies, either [$] (US Dollar) or [euros] (Euro), whose exchange rates of course vary
  • values whose unit has not been specified [unspecified_unit]
  • metric prefixes thereof, i.e. multiples and sub-multiples of the units previously mentioned; currently the supported prefixes are:
  • yotta, i.e. 1024 [Y]
  • zetta, i.e. 1021 [Z]
  • exa, i.e. 1018 [E]
  • peta, i.e. 1015 [P]
  • tera, i.e. 1012 [T]
  • giga, i.e. 109 [G]
  • mega, i.e. 106 [M]
  • kilo, i.e. 103 [k]
  • hecto, i.e. 102 [h]
  • deca, i.e. 10 [da]
  • deci, i.e. 10-1 [d]
  • centi, i.e. 10-2 [c]
  • milli, i.e. 10-3 [m]
  • micro, i.e. 10-6 [µ]
  • nano, i.e. 10-9 [n]
  • pico, i.e. 10-12 [p]
  • femto, i.e. 10-15 [f]
  • atto, i.e. 10-18 [a]
  • zepto, i.e. 10-21 [z]
  • yocto, i.e. 10-24 [y]
[14]To avoid requesting the user to type specific Unicode characters, we transliterated some of the symbols. For example, instead of using the capital Omega letter, we used Ohm.
[15]We preferred here deviating a bit from the SI system, by using this non-prefixed unit (the gram) instead of the SI standard one, which happens to be the kilogram.


There is a problem with temperatures, as they can be expressed at least in kelvins or degrees Celsius, whereas the two corresponding scales do not match, since there is an offset:

[K] = [°C] + 273.15

As a result, unit conversions would require updating as well the corresponding value, and, more generally, they should be treated as fully distinct units (ex: kW/°C cannot be automatically converted in terms of SI base units, i.e. using K).

This is why we "degraded" Celsius degrees, from a derived unit to a special one.

The same applies to the Fahrenheit unit (a likely addition), as:

[°C] = 5/9.([°F]-32)
Composing One's Units

So an actual unit can be composed from the aforementioned built-in units (be they base, derived, widely used, special units; prefixed or not) [16], using two built-in operators, which are "." (multiply, represented by the dot character - not "*") and "/" (divide, represented by the forward slash character).

[16]In the future, defining an actual unit from other actual units might be contemplated.

The resulting type shall be specified as a string, containing a series of built-in units (potentially prefixed) alternating with built-in operators, like in: "kW.s/m".


As a result, "kWh" is not a valid unit: it should be denoted as "kW.h".

Similarly, "W/(m.k)" is not valid, since parentheses are currently not supported: "W/m/k" may be used instead.

Finally, exponents can be used as a shorthand for both operators (ex: kg.m^2.s^-1, instead of kg.m.m/s). They should be specified explicitly, thanks to the caret character ("^"); for example "m^2/s", not "m²/s".

If deemed both safe and useful, we may consider in the future performing:

  • symbolic unit checking (i.e. determining that a derived unit such as N.s (newton.second) is actually, in canonical SI units, m^^-1), and thus that values of these two types can safely be used indifferently in computations
  • automatic value conversions (ex: converting km/hour into m/s), provided that the overall computational precision is not significantly deteriorated

The corresponding mechanisms (type information, conversion functions, unit checking and transformation, etc.) are defined in unit_utils.erl and tested in unit_utils_test.erl, in the myriad/src/utils directory.

Checking Units

A typical example:

1> MyInputValue="-24 mS.m^-1".
2> {Value,Unit}=unit_utils:parse_value_with_unit(MyInputValue).
3> io:format("Corresponding value: ~f.~n", [ Value ] ).
Corresponding value: -24.0.
4> io:format("Corresponding unit: ~s.~n",
"s^3.A^2.g^-1.m^-3, of order -6"
5> unit_utils:value_with_unit_to_string(Value,Unit).
"-2.4e-5 s^3.A^2.g^-1.m^-3"

Possible Improvements Regarding Dimensional Analysis

Some programming languages provide systems to manage dimensional information (ex: for physical quantities), generally through add-ons or libraries (rarely as a built-in feature).

A first level of support is to provide, like here, an API to manage units. Other levels can be:

  1. to integrate unit management directly, seamlessly in language expressions, as if it was built-in (as opposed to having to use explicitly a third-party API for that); for example at least half a dozen different libraries provide that in Python
  2. to be able to define "polymorphic units and functions", for example to declare in general that a speed is a distance divided by a duration, regardless of the possible units used for that
  3. to perfom static dimensional analysis, instead of checking units at runtime

The two latter use cases can for example be at least partially covered by Haskell libraries.

SQL support

About SQL

Some amount of SQL (Structured Query Language) support for relational database operations is provided by the Myriad layer.

As this support relies on an optional prerequisite, this service is disabled by default.

Database Back-end

To perform SQL operations, a corresponding software solution must be available.

The SQL back-end chosen here is the SQLite 3 library. It provides a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database. It is an embedded SQL database engine, as opposed to server-based ones, like PostgreSQL or MariaDB.

It can be installed on Debian thanks to the sqlite3 and sqlite3-dev packages, sqlite on Arch Linux..

We require version 3.6.1 or higher (preferably: latest stable one). It can be checked thanks to sqlite3 --version.

Various related tools are very convenient in order to interact with a SQLite database, including sqlitebrowser and sqliteman.

On Arch Linux, one can thus use: pacman -Sy sqlite sqlitebrowser sqliteman.

Testing the back-end:

$ sqlite3 my_test
SQLite version 3.13.0 2016-05-18 10:57:30
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> create table tblone(one varchar(10), two smallint);
sqlite> insert into tblone values('helloworld',20);
sqlite> insert into tblone values('my_myriad', 30);
sqlite> select * from tblone;
sqlite> .quit

A file my_test, identified as SQLite 3.x database, must have been created, and can be safely removed.

Erlang SQL Binding

This database system is directly accessed thanks to an Erlang binding.

Two of them have been identified as good candidates:

  • erlang-sqlite3: seems popular, with many contributors and users, actively maintained, based on a gen_server interacting with a C-node, involving only a few source files
  • esqlite: based on a NIF, so more able to jeopardize the stability of the VM, yet potentially more efficient

Both are free software.

We finally preferred erlang-sqlite3.

By default we consider that this back-end has been installed in ~/Software/erlang-sqlite3. The SQLITE3_BASE variable in myriad/ can be set to match any other install path.

Recommended installation process:

$ mkdir ~/Software
$ cd ~/Software
$ git clone
Cloning into 'erlang-sqlite3'...
remote: Counting objects: 1786, done.
remote: Total 1786 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1786
Receiving objects: 100% (1786/1786), 3.24 MiB | 570.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (865/865), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd erlang-sqlite3/
$ make
rm -rf deps ebin priv/*.so doc/* .eunit/* c_src/*.o config.tmp
rm -f config.tmp
echo "normal" > config.tmp
./rebar get-deps compile
==> erlang-sqlite3 (get-deps)
==> erlang-sqlite3 (compile)
Compiled src/sqlite3_lib.erl
Compiled src/sqlite3.erl
Compiling c_src/sqlite3_drv.c

Testing the binding:

make test
./rebar get-deps compile eunit
==> erlang-sqlite3 (get-deps)
==> erlang-sqlite3 (compile)
==> erlang-sqlite3 (eunit)
Compiled src/sqlite3.erl
Compiled src/sqlite3_lib.erl
Compiled test/sqlite3_test.erl
======================== EUnit ========================
module 'sqlite3_test'
  sqlite3_test: all_test_ (basic_functionality)...[0.002 s] ok
  sqlite3_test: all_test_ (table_info)...ok
  sqlite3_lib: delete_sql_test...ok
  sqlite3_lib: drop_table_sql_test...ok
  [done in 0.024 s]
  module 'sqlite3'
All 30 tests passed.
Cover analysis: ~/Software/erlang-sqlite3/.eunit/index.html

Pretty reassuring.

SQL Support Provided By the Myriad Layer

To enable this support, once the corresponding back-end (see Database Back-end) and binding (see Erlang SQL Binding) have been installed, the USE_SQLITE variable should be set to true in myriad/ and Myriad shall be rebuilt.

Then the corresponding implementation (sql_support.erl) and test (sql_support_test.erl), both in myriad/src/data-management, will be built (use make clean all from the root of Myriad) and able to be run (execute make sql_support_run for that).

Testing it:

$ cd myriad/src/data-management
$ make sql_support_run
       Compiling module sql_support.erl
       Compiling module sql_support_test.erl
       Running unitary test sql_support_run
 --> Testing module sql_support_test.
 Starting SQL support (based on SQLite3).
 Closing database.
 Stopping SQL support.
 --> Successful end of test.
 (test finished, interpreter halted)

Looks good.

Myriad Main Conventions

Text Conventions

The purpose here is to ensure a sufficient code homogeneity; for example in all source files are in such a "canonical form", analysing their differences (diff) is made simpler.

Any text editor can be used, provided that it saves source files with the UNIX, not DOS, conventions (i.e. lines terminating by the LF character, not by the CRLF characters).

The use of syntax highlighting is encouraged.

Recommended text editors are:

  • emacs / xemacs
  • nedit
  • ErlIDE (based on Eclipse)
  • gedit

Source files should be formatted for a 80-character width: no character should be present after the 79th column of a line.

Except in very specific cases, only ASCII code should be used (ex: no accentuated characters).

Tabulations should be preferred to series of spaces, and the text should be formatted according to 4-character tabulations.

All redundant whitespaces should be removed, preferably automatically (see the Emacs whitespace-cleanup command). This is why, with the emacs settings that we recommend, pressing the F8 key removes for example the yellow areas in the current buffer by replacing any series of four spaces by a corresponding tabulation.

We would prefer that contributed files (especially source ones) are "whitespace-clean" before being committed. As mentioned, such a transformation can be done directly from Emacs. If using another editor, please ensure that the script has been run on the target sources (possibly automatically thanks to a VCS hook) before committing them.

All elements of documentation should be written in English, possibly translated to other languages. Spell-checking is recommended.

Coding Practices

In terms of coding style, we would like that the sources remain as uniform as possible, regarding naming, spacing, code/comments/blank line ratios.

We would like that, roughly and on average, the same ratio applies for blank lines, comments and lines of code.

For that one may use the either directly make stats from the root of the layer or the script.

For example:

In the Erlang source code found from XXX/ceylan/myriad, we have:
+ 160 source files (*.erl), 54 header files (*.hrl)
+ a grand total of 89151 lines:
  - 27186 of which (30.4%) are blank lines
  - 28751 of which (32.2%) are comments
  - 33214 of which (37.2%) are code

As not all typos may be detected at compilation-time (ex: wrong spelling for a module), we recommend, for source code, the use of additional static checkers, as discussed in the type-checking section.

Execution Targets

Two execution target modes have been defined:

  • development (the default): meant to simplify the task of developers and maintainers by reporting as much information and context as possible, even at the expense of some performances and reliability (ex: no retry in case of failure, shorter time-outs not to wait too long in case of errors, more checks, etc.)
  • production: mostly the reciprocal of the development mode, whose purpose is to favor efficient, bullet-proof operations

These execution targets are compile-time modes, i.e. they are set once for all when building the layer at hand (probably based, if using OTP, on the rebar corresponding modes - respectively dev and prod).

See EXECUTION_TARGET in to read and/or set them.

The current execution target is of course available at runtime on a per-layer level, see basic_utils:get_execution_target/0 for more information.

This function shall be compiled once per layer to be accurate, in one of its modules. It is just a matter of adding the following include in such module:


Other Conventions

  • for clarity, we tend to use longer variable names, in CamelCase
  • we tend to use mute variables to clarify meanings and intents, as in _Acc=[] (beware, despite being muted, any variable in scope that bears the same name will be matched)
  • as there is much list-based recursion, a variable named H means Head and T means Tail (as in [Head|Tail])

Myriad Gotchas

Header dependencies

Only a very basic dependency between header files (*.hrl) and implementation files (*.erl) is managed.

As expected, if X.hrl changed, X.beam will be recompiled whether or not X.erl changed. However, any Y.erl that would include X.hrl would not be automatically recompiled.

Typically, when in doubt after having modified a record in a header file, just run make rebuild from the root of that layer (build is fast anyway, as quite parallel).

About the table module

This is a pseudo module, which is not meant to exist as such (no table.erl, no table.beam).

The Myriad parse transform replaces references to the table module by references to the map_hashtable module. See table transformations for more information.

Support for Myriad

So you respected the prerequisites and build sections, and something went wrong? Generally we made sure that any detected error is blocking and loudly reported, with as much context as possible.

The simpler solution is then to create a relevant issue.

For all other needs, please drop an email to the address listed on top of document. We do our best to answer on a timely basis.

Finally, provided that they meet licensing terms, scope and quality standards, contributions of all sorts are vey welcome, be them porting efforts, increased test coverage, functional enrichments, documentation improvements, code enhancements, etc. See the next section for additional guidelines.

Please React!

If you have information more detailed or more recent than those presented in this document, if you noticed errors, neglects or points insufficiently discussed, drop us a line! (for that, follow the Support guidelines).

Contributions & Ending Word

Each time that you need a basic service that:

  • seems neither provided by the Erlang built-in modules nor by this Myriad layer
  • is generic-enough, simple and requires no special prerequisite

please either enrich our *_utils.erl helpers, or add new general services!

In such a case, we would prefer that, in contributed code, the Myriad Text Conventions and Coding Practices are respected.

Thanks in advance, and have fun with Myriad!

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